Thursday, June 25, 2015

List of OCDs continued

In the last post I was listing the OCDs I perform through the the day to illustrate how silly and time wasting they can be I will continue the list on this post and I'm happy to report that I didn't do the majority of them and the world did not end haha.

I have to run the toaster once before I put the bread in so it burns anything dirty that might be in there I'm afraid of germs and getting sick.

I don't like touching other people's things like phones iPads computer keyboards the fear is that is dirty and I may catch something, also I don't like shakin hands specially with people I don't know.

I don't eat the end of my French fries or other food, I mean the end of the part my fingers touched if I didn't wash my hands I don't eat the end, and I don't eat the skin of an apple or grapes mostly cause I don't like them but I also feel they're dirty.

If I take a pill like an Advil when the pill comes out of the container it has to land on my hand with the logo facing up or else I'll put it back and I'll continue to do it till a pill comes out with the logo facing up that way I know I'm really taking and Advil and it's safe.

In the shower, I have to pray a certain way but I don't think I will change that because prayers have repetitions at times, I will make the distinction of what's OCD and what's devotion.

Before I turn that water off on the shower I kind of touched the knob four times and then I do this like little routine that's kind of stupid I was doing four sets of that routine I have brought it down to one, and that's probably been going on for a year or two.

When I close the door in my car when I get home, I have to close it and open it again then I lock it and I also have to break four times before stopping the car and shoting it off. Today I didn't do that.

When getting a piece of pizza I reach first to the piece to the right of 12 o'clock

When I brush my teeth I have a routine for it. I just have to alter the end of it to make it normal.

When I close a lid it has to line up perfectly or else I have to repeat the actions that led to closing the lid, today it didn't lined up. I didn't care I just straighten it and closed it.

All through the day I did not do the "rituals" and the world didn't end haha all in all it has been a good experience, a great win!!! Now I'm going to read the books on OCD try to apply what I learn and share the experience step by step.


Be well.



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